martes, 27 de marzo de 2018

Say Yes To Apes - Who's That (1983)

Less pop influence, slightly less Velvets infused, and definitely wilder and more shambolic, these three also followed their own singular and inspired direction, tracking a skewed path to the more well known 'southern' acts of the day.  The lazy slacker delivery on the last self-titled track says Malkmus (and although that particular supergroup are self-confessed Clean fans, I can't say if there's a direct connection here, who knows). Kevin Smith was known to many peaople during the 90s as the cheesy chisel jawed guy whose smile and alpha force turned up on every prime time NZ TV production of the day, and he went on to almost star with Bruce Willis, if it weren't for his untimely death after some bad footing on a film studio prop tower.  Patrick Faigan continued to be a more understated hero (aka Duane Zarakov), and I just noticed there is nothing from his band Spacedust on discogs (or probably in the blog world if I bothered to look), so I may try to fix that.

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