sábado, 24 de marzo de 2018

Tall Dwarfs - Stumpy (1996)

You too can be a Tall Dwarf!" declared the cover of "3 E.P.s", "Send us your rhythms!". Who wouldn't? Who could refuse such an opportunity? At least 16 people around the world couldn't and didn't. Alec Bathgate and Chris Knox used these 16 cassettes as basis for "Stumpy", sometimes developing the raw material into a "song", sometimes using it as the seed for something completely different. At the beginning i didn't know what to do of the idea. Is it an attempt to appeal to the fans? an easy way to overcome a "writers block"? Is it vain? is it humble? the answer came quickly after listening: when your music is as sincere as Bathgate's and Knox's you are neither- you just do what you do. When you put out such great music as the Tall Dwarfs you could be either as far as i care. And "Stumpy" comes as great as any Tall Dwarfs album. This is YOUR music. Go out and listen to it.

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